I appreciate your candor, Josh (as usual). I probably fall generally into the category of people you're angry at. So it's helpful to understand a little more about where you're at, how you're feeling and why. Like so many, I am befuddled by the outcry, the fear, the wailing -- but I *am* trying to understand. And I am also hoping very much that 1) the fears end up mostly unfounded and 2) more people on both sides of this political divide would seek to see and hear each other with compassion. I am hoping that the progress our society has made to stop abuse and discrimination will not be lost, and that the pendulum won't swing too hard.
It seems to me that there are plenty of people invested in pushing that pendulum as hard as possible and stirring up the social froth for their own gain. And I don't mean the gain of leftist or right-wing ideology... I mean the gain that happens when more eyeballs are attracted to sensationalist headlines, the gain that happens when more and more extremes in rhetoric prompt desperate people on the fringes to harm themselves and others, the gain that happens when the populace is distracted from taking real action to help real neighbors and resources are redirected to continue the vicious cycle.
"Can't we all just get along," sounds so old and tired, and yet it's still the cry of my eternally optimistic heart.
I appreciate your candor, Josh (as usual). I probably fall generally into the category of people you're angry at. So it's helpful to understand a little more about where you're at, how you're feeling and why. Like so many, I am befuddled by the outcry, the fear, the wailing -- but I *am* trying to understand. And I am also hoping very much that 1) the fears end up mostly unfounded and 2) more people on both sides of this political divide would seek to see and hear each other with compassion. I am hoping that the progress our society has made to stop abuse and discrimination will not be lost, and that the pendulum won't swing too hard.
It seems to me that there are plenty of people invested in pushing that pendulum as hard as possible and stirring up the social froth for their own gain. And I don't mean the gain of leftist or right-wing ideology... I mean the gain that happens when more eyeballs are attracted to sensationalist headlines, the gain that happens when more and more extremes in rhetoric prompt desperate people on the fringes to harm themselves and others, the gain that happens when the populace is distracted from taking real action to help real neighbors and resources are redirected to continue the vicious cycle.
"Can't we all just get along," sounds so old and tired, and yet it's still the cry of my eternally optimistic heart.